Friday, August 3, 2012

Syrian Solution II

All of these posts were written around 2012 ...

There is only one way to stop a Civil War (in its tracks) - Amnesty.

Every Syrian would be given immunity - in exchange for full disclosure. This process has been accomplished in other countries with good success (South Africa, Rwanda). If you lie in an investigation - your immunity is waived.

Assad along with top government and military leaders would be given an early retirement and a (modest) pension. Assad assures his place in history by sacrificing some Syrian land (Golan Heights) for a permanent Middle-East Peace Treaty (see Architect for Peace) - giving him a share of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize (along with myself ...).

This post was originally written on 11/25/2011 - Think of how many people could have been saved if this had been adopted back then ...


-- Chris Rampson
Is there a win-win scenario to keep Syria in one peace? What would need to be done?

Assad should call off the military, allow 3rd party observers in and agree to change the government. All top military and governmental posts will immediately retire with full benefits . Assad then dismisses the Parliament - bringing down the government.`

What happens next uses the South Africa / Rwanda example. (People's) Truth tribunals would be set up with power to investigate but not to prosecute. All the top people would be given immunity for their help in the investigation (claiming immunity invalidates the person from every holding a governmental position). Chapter closed.

In addition, Assad would agree to sign a peace treaty with Israel - ceding the Golan Heights (for immediate income for the new Syrian Government). Assad's last "decree" would start 100 years of mid east peace (and a well-deserved retirement). see Architect for Peace
Just as I predicted - The Syrians have escalated their Civil War. This could have all been prevented - with strong Diplomatic leadership. Here is one scenario that might be acceptable to both Russia and China;

The UN Security Council will take testimony from Assad and the Syrian Leadership - in public and in private. Each person will be judged by the Security Council and those who give truthful and faithful testimony shall be given due consideration.

Results would range from:
  1. Refer someone to the Criminal Court in the Hague.
  2. Banishment (To a villa in the south of France - a Moscow dacha or a Beijing Apartment)
  3. Free to go
  4. Retirement - a more favorable judgement than Banishment.
  5. Hero status - doubt anyone will get this one . . .
One member would propose a judgement of say #1, and then the other members would vote - including possible vetos.

The first country to veto would propose another judgement (#4) - and all members would vote (this time no vetos). It would take unanimous vote against for this proposal to fail. In this way a country can "choose" someone and have a very good chance of the final results they want. If the proposal DID fail, the person would be Free to go.

In the meantime, Assad should make peace with the Israelis - thus triggering Peace in the Middle East.


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